We’re looking for a new team to lead Wokingham Scouts.
After more than five years leading Wokingham District, Neil Graham has indicated that he will step back in the coming months but is happy to offer transition support if needed. As such, we are now looking for a new team to lead Wokingham District through an exciting period.
We’re currently looking for Joint District Lead Volunteers in Wokingham District. These are management roles, and we need the right people who can provide leadership, motivation and guidance to our other adult volunteers.
You don’t need any prior experience of Scouting to apply for these roles: we’ll make sure you’re fully trained and supported.
The role of a District Lead Volunteer is significantly reduced from that of the previous District Commissioner role and they are supported by four teams (14-24 Team, Volunteering Development Team, Programme Team, and Support Team) each lead by Team Leaders and to whom many tasks can be allocated. Because of this reduced role many District Lead Volunteers in the County like also to retain their grassroots role, although that is not a requirement.
A vacancy pack with more information is available, with questions and conversations welcome to Steph Gould, District Chair, via [email protected]
To help with momentum in the District, we would like to hear from anyone by 31st July.